pet product wholesale Clothes aren’t just decoration for dogs, either

In fact, many owners try to make their dogs even cuter by dressing them up so that they can take better photos. But only if the dog is comfortable, and if the dog doesn’t like it, the owner should try to resist the urge. However, clothes can be more than just decoration for dogs. They also serve other purposes.

1. One of the reasons we wear clothes in cold weather is to keep us warm, but dogs have evolved so long that hair has become their natural coat. pet product wholesale Some sled dogs, in particular, have double coats that help them survive even in the frigid north. However, not all dog breeds have thick hair, and different breeds have different hair and cold resistance. Breeds like Whippets not only have thin skin, but they also have less body fat. Small dogs, such as Chihuahuas and bulldogs, also have shorter hair and are susceptible to colds in cold winters. Moreover, the resistance of old dogs is weaker than that of adult dogs. Cold weather is not only easy to catch cold, but also lead to stiff joints and muscles. To keep them warm, their owners can choose to dress product wholesale

2. Give your dog a sense of security If you have a mildly anxious dog, clothes can sometimes give them a sense of security. The constricting stress of clothing can help calm dogs down. Of course, this is not common. If the dog is severely anxious, the owner still needs to give the dog a relaxing environment, and can also distract the dog with a treat.

3. After surgery or illness, sometimes putting clothes on your dog can protect your dog’s skin from external irritation and prevent skin infections and skin allergies. pet product wholesale Also, if your dog has a cut on his skin from surgery or other treatment, dressing your dog is an option to prevent the cut from soaking and the dog licking the wound. However, for dogs with skin problems, wearing clothes is not a cure. If your dog still has skin allergies and other problems, owners need to take it to a pet hospital in a timely manner.

Post time: Sep-13-2022