The knowledge about dog pet dog harness wholesale


1. Please do not pick up your puppy until it has been vaccinated.

2. Receive the puppy, please use small, dog harness wholesale dog fever dipstick test whether there are health problems. Take the second test a week harness wholesale

3. Carefully check whether the dog harness wholesale puppy has hernia, cryptorchidism, double-row teeth and other defects or problems.

4 Baidu can not feed the food, must not disorderly feeding.

5. Feed food regularly and quantitatively, take it away if you don’t finish eating in 10 minutes, and don’t feed anything else until the next feeding period. Start from small.

6. Please keep the temperature at home suitable to prevent cold and heat stroke.

7. Puppies are weak and can not be taken out to play in the season of multiple diseases.

8. Pay attention to calcium supplementation during tooth loss.

9. Put out of reach items in your home, including socks. There have been cases of puppies swallowing socks and going to the hospital.

10. Serious education from the puppy when grabbed, fixed toilet, do not shout, are all through good education can do. (Feeding part)

11. Each period to eat different dog food, puppies eat mother and baby food. Adult dogs eat ADULT dog food, old DOG food in old age, and a variety of prescription food for different periods of choice.

12. Please weigh and feed the food according to the instructions of the dog food, and then adjust yourself according to the situation of feces. Do not follow the pellet feeding or handlebar feeding of the puppy in the pet shop, which is not scientific

13 puppy period is best not to eat or eat less snacks, not only for the development of health, but also to develop a good habit of not picky about food.

14. Make homemade food with balanced nutrition, fresh ingredients and no seasonings.

15. The storage of dog food should be scientific, stored in appropriate temperature, humidity, avoid direct sunlight, use high-quality storage barrels, do a good job of sealing, healthy rations can eat a healthy body. 16 feeding food, feeding water bowl should be used once to clean and disinfect once, prevent disease from entering the mouth.

17. Change the water for the birdbath every day to keep the water clean and fresh.

18. Once a month in vivo deworming for puppies under six months and once every three months for dogs over six months is mandatory.

19. Daily toys should be cleaned and disinfected frequently and changed regularly.

20 love wall skin, eat poop, eat rocks, pick up garbage to eat, most of the time is not naughty, because the lack of trace elements in the body.

Post time: Oct-11-2022