wholesale dog collars Basic introduction to 3 dog collars

Dog walking is an activity that every dog owner does every day. But in fact, there is a lot of knowledge, when walking a dog, collar and lead are essential. At present, the mainstream collars in the market are band type collars, strap type collars, and one is the suppression and adjustment type collars aimed at the explosive lunging people.wholesale dog collars

Band collar: The choice of band collar is not to choose too narrow collar, collar width should be at least two fingers. At this width, the dog will only feel the pressure when it bursts, otherwise it is very comfortable and not easy to break free. In addition, for dogs with long or curly hair, owners can choose a cylindrical collar, which will reduce the occurrence of stuck fur. You can also adjust the collar size after the dog is put on the collar.

One of the most overlooked details of a band collar wholesale dog collars

1, try to choose leather or nylon material collar.

2. Try not to put too much decoration on your dog’s collar. The collar is very close to the dog’s ear, and long-term wear can cause great damage to the dog’s hearing.wholesale dog collars

Band collars are the most common type of dog collar, and for many dogs with burst behavior, they often strangle the dog, causing coughing, vomiting, and a surge in intraocular pressure.


Strap collar: The strap collar is a popular style in recent years. It was first introduced abroad as a functional collar to adjust the dog’s walking behavior. But after the domestic flow, the adjustment is almost completely lost, but the connivance is greatly strengthened. The reason is that many owners choose the back buckle type, the connection of the lead rope is in the back, this kind of connection on the dog burst does not have too big inhibitory effect.

What BE WORTH RECOMMENDING REALLY ACTUALLY, IT IS THE CHEST STRAP OF BUCKLE TYPE BEFORE, THIS KIND OF DESIGN HAS ADJUSTING SEX EFFECT. When the dog has a burst and you pull on the lead, it will naturally turn in the direction you pulled, rather than pulling back on this negative reinforcement.

Restraint and Adjustment collars: There are many kinds of collars, such as P chain, spike plate chain, electric neck ring, muzzle collar, etc. These collars are suitable for dogs with explosive, aggressive tendencies. Of course, if the dog has a burst problem, it can be disciplined by using a P-chain.

1. P-chain is used to correct the dog’s bursting behavior by producing warning and painful impressions of the dog’s bursting behavior. Pay attention to the strength of the use, when the dog has the desire to burst, the P-chain is a small warning, is also a kind of action to interrupt his current attention.

2. When using the P chain to hold the dog, be sure to pull up. Short, quick application of force followed by immediate relaxation, the main purpose is to stop the burst behavior and give it a momentary stimulation. P chain is only used in training, long-term use of P chain, may cause psychological shadow to the dog.

Post time: Sep-20-2022